The Value of Good Communication

Ah, yes.  Communication.  You likely see it in every single job description under the sun: “Stellar communication is a must” “Effective communication with different business units” “The candidate is expected to have excellent...

Still Being Amazed after 20 years in Technology

I really go out of my way to not take advances in technology for granted.  I’m still continually amazed at what we are able to do with tools that have been around a very long time.  Take VNC for example.  I’ve been working with a client (whom I’ve...

Things to do when you’re not buried in projects

One summer day in 7th grade I remember being really bored.  You know those days where nothing (not even asteroids on the Atari 2600) seems like fun?  On this particular day I decided to make a list of stuff to do when I was bored.  I don’t remember the list as a...

Command-line PHP

I get a little misty when I harken back to 1994 and my first linux install (slackware, kernel version 1.0).  The whole purpose of the excercise was so I could learn to write perl.  I had messed with Visual Basic and got frustrated with the runtime junk and the fact...

Freshbooks is doing the SAAS model right.

Have you heard of Freshbooks? If you are a small shop or freelancer, you should absolutely check them out.  In my opinion, they have really executed well on their business model of “do one thing extremely well.”  Fantastic support, very easy to use and...