Burn the Ships!

Admittedly, I’m no Harvard MBA and my own understanding of the business world is quite literally my own, but I’ve made it a point to listen closely to some pretty amazing people I know when they drop nuggets of wisdom. One of those was uttered by a good...

It’s all in the attitude

Every once in a while I find myself getting a little burned-out on the day-to-day “stuff” of running a business, keeping my clients happy and coding like a madman. It usually manifests itself in the following way: I look for reasons NOT to do the mundane...

Appreciating freedom

With Independence Day right around the corner, I thought I’d yammer a bit on freedom and my genuine appreciation of it as it relates to my work.  I promised myself I would do this without inserting my political views, so if this feels a tad restrained,...

Build vs. Buy

It’s an age-old IT question: Build vs. Buy.  Two distinct choices when solving a problem with software. Most good software comes about as a result of existing software only doing 80% of what somebody needs it to do.  Solve 80% of the problem you set out to solve...

“Good ideas have to win”

Steve Jobs once claimed (sadly, near the end of his life) that Apple didn’t have committees.  Zero “decision by committee” that too-often dooms really good ideas.  My favorite quote from the above interview: “Good ideas have to win.” ...